Did You Know That Bargainmoose is THE Best Place to Find Canadian Coupons?

Did You Know That Bargainmoose is THE Best Place to Find Canadian Coupons?

I'm sure you've noticed that we've got a super Canadian couponsection here on Bargainmoose. Over the last while, we've been stocking it up with as many valid Canadian coupon codes and printable coupons as we can find.

Here's our best tip: before you make any purchase at an online store, nip over to the Bargainmoose Canadian coupon section and check for a valid coupon code to save yourself a few loonies in the process.

We've also been hard at work, reaching out to many of our favourite Canadian companies to give the Bargainmoosers some nice and juicy exclusive coupon codes, that you can only find here on Bargainmoose. Here's a quick recap of some of the Canadian coupon codes we've got on the go:

  • 25% off @ Foxyoriginals.com jewellery with coupon code Bargainmoose - until 1st June 2012
  • 10% off @ Jeanmachine.com clothing with coupon code BM10 - until 30th April 2012
  • 25% off @ Surfacecollective.com decals with coupon code BMOOSE25 - NEVER expires!
  • 15% off @ Ringley.ca natural teething toys with coupon code moose - NEVER expires!
  • 20% off @ Treasure-Book.com with coupon code Bargainmoose20 - until 31st December 2012
  • 10% off @ Tigerpingpong.com with coupon code TIGERMOOSE - until 1st September 2012
  • 15% off @ Kippokids.com kids boutique with coupon code BMoose15 - NEVER expires!
  • 15% off @ Meringueinc.ca art & design with coupon code moose15 - NEVER expires!
  • 5% off @ Bookmob.ca book rentals with coupon CCMOOSESUMMER - until 15th August 2012
  • $10 discount @ Netalamode fashion store with coupon code moose - until 15th April 2012
  • 10% off @ Voltahealth.com health store with coupon code MOOSE-FIRST10 - NEVER expires!
  • 10% off @ The Party Monkey with coupon code MOOSE10 - until 15th April 2012
  • 15% off @ Frizzoff.com with coupon code CHSMOOSE2 - until 30th April 2012
  • 25% off @ Bigfathen.ca kids boutique with coupon code BargainMoose - NEVER expires!
  • 15% off @ Kathyandkimoriginals.com customised kids products with coupon code BMOOSE15 - until 30th April 2013
  • $5 off $35 with coupon code MOOSE5OFF and 15% off $50+ with coupon code BARMOOSE @ Lunapads.com, eco positive periods - various expiry
  • 15% off with coupon code scmoose or free shipping with coupon code SC4 @ Simplycolors.com kids clothing - until 1st August 2012

We've been blogging up a few of these exclusives on the front page, but as you can see, there are loads more just sitting in the Canadian coupon pages. And don't forget to check out the permanent coupon codes over there in our sidebar >>>>

Many of these coupon codes will not expire for months to come, so definitely come back here and check for a coupon if you're buying from any of these stores. And when the coupons expire, I'll be contacting the stores to extend these, or give us new coupons.

Also, if you are travelling on the internets and you find a coupon code for a Canadian store, a coupon code that we don't yet have on the forums, please share your coupon! You can help the other Moosers save, save, save.

Happy shopping!!


Reply to
  • Amanda
    The best place to find Canadian coupons....Agreed! =)