Well.ca: 50% Off Select SwaddleMe Wraps

Well.ca: 50% Off Select SwaddleMe Wraps


Get 50% off select SwaddleMe wraps at Well.ca. These wraps are highly recommended by a mother of three boys - me!

In the hospital after you have a baby, a nurse comes in and shows you how to latch your baby on, bath them, and swaddle them. As you watch them fold the blanket around your baby, you think this looks easy. Meanwhile, when you try it, it's totally hard. I'm not saying you won't get the hang of it, but do you really want to be doing all sorts of folds around a screaming baby at 2am? I think not.

My mom purchased me our first SwaddleMe with my oldest and it was love. It is so easy to wrap a blanket around your baby then put the SwaddleMe wrap on them, or just to wrap them in the SwaddleMe alone. It has velcro to keep your babe in. Babies who are swaddled are said to sleep better and cry less and although they are still going to cry and they are still going to wake up every hour on the hour all night, this straightjacket type wrap really helps to reduce that.

They don't have all of their styles for sale, but they have a good selection of patterns on sale like:

It looks like it is only the small/medium size on sale, but I'd recommend that over the newborn size, which won't fit in a month.

Shipping is free when you spend $25, so stock up on these babies!

(Expiry: 23rd February 2014)


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