Flash Sale on ESSO Fuel Discount Cards @ WagJag

Flash Sale on ESSO Fuel Discount Cards @ WagJag

No matter where in Canada you live, there's no denying that gas is expensive – so it's always worth it if you can save a few bucks whenever you fill up your tank.

That's why I'm psyched that ESSO fuel discount bundles are back on sale at WagJag!

There are two discount bundles to choose from. They're both on sale at WagJag, and they both help you save on gas:

1. $150 ESSO Card Bundle for $118 – This bundle gets you a $100 Price Privileges fuel discount e-card (good for five cents off per litre up to 2,000 litres) and a $50 ESSO e-gift card.

2. $75 ESSO Fuel Discount e-Card for $62 – If you just need the discount card, this is the option for you! With it, you'll save five cents a litre for up to 1,500 litres.

There's just one thing: this deal ends TONIGHT – so you have to hurry!

The e-cards will be emailed to you within 10 business days of purchase. WagJag won't limit how many of these bundles you buy, but you can't combine these discount cards with other deals.


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