ePost: Earn Up to 30 FREE Air Miles Just for Receiving Bills Online

ePost: Earn Up to 30 FREE Air Miles Just for Receiving Bills Online

You're still getting your bills in the mail? Well that's because you're a caveman. Fly in to the future with Air Miles and ePost from Canada Post.

ePost is a service run by Canada Post that let's you get bills online all in the same place. ePost is 100% FREE to use!

With this deal, all you need to do is add bills. If you add one bill, you get 5 FREE Air Miles. Two bills gets you 15 Air Miles and three bills gets you 30 Air Miles all for FREE! If you don't collect Air Miles, you can get an Airmiles memberships, also for FREE.

I've been using ePost for years. I originally started doing this because the power company here only let you pay via pre-authorized credit card or in person at their offices on the other side of the city or at Zeller's. I think you could do pre-authorized withdrawals too but in any event, I didn't want to do any of those. So I did some research and found ePost. Basically you search for the company who is billing you, enter some identifying numbers such as an account ID and the bill starts coming to your email. From there you can cancel your paper bill. Some companies like Bell and Telus offer a small monthly discount for canceling your paper bill. There are tons of vendors and even if you already get your bills emailed to you, adding them to ePost is a good idea. You can keep them all in one place and go back to look at them if you need to.

(Expires: 31st July 2013)


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