Tim Hortons Barbie Doll In Hockey Uniform $19.94 @ Amazon

Very collectible!
Tim Hortons Barbie Doll In Hockey Uniform $19.94 @ Amazon

Oh this is the ultimate Canadian Barbie. Head over to Amazon and you can bag yourself a Tim Hortons Barbie dressed in a hockey uniform. It's priced cheap to at only $19.94 - it's $32.99 at Toys R Us! What a bargain for such an awesome toy.

Tim Hortons Barbie

The Tim Hortons Barbie is not only awesome to look at, but put out the message that girls can do anything, just as boys.

As well as the Barbie doll, you get the hockey pants, socks, skates and a Tim Hortons hockey jersey with Barbie printed on the back, a doll display stand and ice hockey stick, puck and a certificate of authenticity.

Suitable for children aged six years old and above.

We love the fact that Barbie is behind girls/women's hockey and with that in mind we cannot wait to get our hands on one of these.

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