Up to 38% off Tile Trackers @ Amazon Canada

Never lose your wallet (or your keys or your purse) again
Up to 38% off Tile Trackers @ Amazon Canada

Excuse me while I throw my husband under the bus here, but he's always losing things. I can't even tell you how many times we've been late because he couldn't find his keys, his phone or his passport. His wallet has completely disappeared on us twice in the last couple years, and that's just the beginning.

I'm sometimes a little forgetful too, and luckily somebody understood out struggle and invented Tile Trackers. These are little chips that you attach to your keyring, slip in your wallet or toss in your purse to help make sure you never misplace the important things again. And they're on sale for Amazon Prime Day!

If you have an Amazon Prime membership, you can now pick up Tile Trackers from $19.99 shipped. The most affordable option, the Tile Mate comes with a replaceable battery and is $10 off until the end of the day. So how does it work? Just clip it to something important (say, a buckle on your purse) and connect it to your phone via Bluetooth. If you misplace your purse, just use your smartphone to make the Tile ring. Can't find your phone? You can press the Tile Mate to make your phone ring – even when it's on silent.

Need something a little less bulky? The Tile Slim (on sale for $30 from $39.99) is as thin as two credit cards, so you can just slide it into an empty wallet slot – or even your pocket, if you're really prone to losing your phone. Oh, and it's even water-resistant! Plus, the Tile app remembers the last time you saw your Tile, too.

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