Lots of deals here in a lot of categories. Here are a few:
- Razer BlackWidow Keyboard + Spectre StarCraft® II Gaming Mouse- Was $159.99 - Save $110 Now $49.99
- Acer Apire w/ Core i5, 4GB 500GB, 15.6in HD, GeForce GT - Was $799.99 - Save $300 Now $499.99
- Samsung SyncMaster 27in LED LCD, Dual Monitor Bundle - Was $699.99 - Save $200 Now $499.99
- Sling MediaSlingbox SOLO IP TV Streamer - Was $199.99 - Save $100 Now $99.99
Whenever you're looking at a sale from Memory Express (or any retailer) make sure you look around the page. Oftentimes there are more sales hidden. Now I say hidden but I really mean that we're too dumb or lazy to see them. I've done this before. You go on, look at a sale, then hear someone talking about some great deal on some product that was on the sale. No, they aren't making things up, you just didn't click on the CE Sale Items or IT Items links at the top of the Memory Express 16 year sale.
It's 3:24AM. Do YOU know how to get the most out of your MemoryExpress.com 16th Birthday Sale? Studies show that 117% of dogs miss the IT Items and CE Sale Items links at the top of the MemoryExpress.com 16th Birthday Sale. The side effects are devastating and vivid. Death, destruction, miming becoming a legitimate form or entertainment. All these terrible things could happen if you don't check out the IT Items and CE Sale Items links on the top of the MemoryExpress.com 16th Birthday Sale.
--This PSA brought to you by BargainMoose.ca (Please don't fire me)
Seriously though, I miss these things a lot and there are some great deals in there. For this sale specifically the CE Sale Items has a lot of great deals especially on some in-store only items like TVs. Make sure you check it out!
(Expires: 10th October 2012)