A great way to save money is through mail in Rebates. There is a new one out right now for Kitchenaid just in time for your Mother's Day shopping.
Now, it doesn't actually say how much you will get back on your purchase, but I say anything you can get back is a bonus. (Editor's Note: If you click on the "qualifying appliances" link then you get a list with rebate amounts.) You will be able to submit online through the form, or print the form off and send it in either through the mail or through a fax.
Here is what you will need to do to get this offer:
- Submit the original UPC code cut out from the qualifying KitchenAid product
- Submit a copy of your qualifying, dated, sales receipt
- Submit the mail in rebate form from the link above
You can see above that it asks for a copy of the sales receipt. Make sure to keep your original receipt. Your receipt must indicate a purchase dated between April 11, 2014 – May 30, 2014 and include the name of retailer, model or SKU number for each qualifying item purchased.
This mail in rebate will work for qualifying new KitchenAid stand mixers, food processors and stand mixer attachments. All of these items tend to be popular with moms, so you could save a little extra money if one of these things was on your Mother's day shopping list.
The purchases must be made by May 30th 2014, but all claims must be received by June 30, 2014 to get your rebate.
(Expiry: 30th May 2014)