Future Shop Canada: Swiss Gear Slimline 15.6" Notebook Roller Business Case | Was $100 Now $50 (EXPIRED)

Future Shop Canada: Swiss Gear Slimline 15.6" Notebook Roller Business Case | Was $100 Now $50 (EXPIRED)


Hey there, my fellow deal hunters! Future Shop is currently having a one-day-sale on their Swiss Gear Slimline 15.6" Notebook Roller Business Case - it normally costs $99.99, but you can now purchase this handy laptop accessory for $49.99. You'll also qualify for free shipping - whoo!

The Swiss Gear Slimline 15.6" Notebook Roller Business Case is a heavy duty product that can make it that much easier for you to bring your laptop with you. After all, it's got wheels! Wheels always make things easier when it comes to travel-related solutions. You can learn more about this Swiss Gear Slimline 15.6" Notebook Roller Business Case by clicking on the link above.

I personally have a Swiss notebook case, and it's a very high quality solution for my laptop. It protects my computer whenever I need to transport it, whether it's in my car or on public transit (I just find it easier to take the subway when I'm going downtown. Paying for parking or driving in the congested streets of downtown Toronto can be quite a pain, so I prefer to walk around the city).

To this day, my Swiss case still looks great! It doesn't have any rips or tears like many of my past laptop bags did (after minimal use, too). I highly recommend the Swiss brand for your notebook transportation needs.

This Swiss Gear Slimline 15.6" Notebook Roller Business Case currently costs $99.99 at Best Buy. I've included a brief review for a similar Swiss laptop case from a satisfied Amazon customer below:

It is the perfect size with adequate compartments. Space and shape well utilized. All around great case and quality. I'm very pleased with it.

This deal will expire before midnight. Happy hunting, Bargainmoosers!

(Expiry: 16th October 2014)


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