Disney Princess Camping Chair $12.40 @ Wayfair.ca

Disney Princess Camping Chair $12.40 @ Wayfair.ca

These little folding chairs are great. Not only do we use them for camping and outdoor events, but we also use them indoors as well! The kids will love having their very own, and you won't want to miss this Disney Princess Foldable Camping Chair which is on sale for $12.40 down from $24.99.

The Disney Princess Foldable Camping Chair can hold up to 81 lbs - so literally your children can use it for years and years to come. It also folds up to become easily transported for camping, fireworks, park visits and more.

Plus, don't forget, it has Disney princesses plastered on it and what little one wouldn't love that?! The carry bag is also included.

There are a few other options too:

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