Boxing Day Flyer Now Out: Save up to $350 on Computers & Electronics Boxing Day Flyer Now Out: Save up to $350 on Computers & Electronics

We've got hold of the latest flyer from - it's the Dell Boxing Day flyer for 2012, stored on our lovely Boxing Day Sales dashboard. If you're planning a big ticket electronics purchase, Dell is one of the stores for which you'll want to browse the Boxing Day bargains.

You can see the 4 page flyer in the link above - admittedly there's not a huge amount of information in there, and I am kind of hoping there will be more offers to be had when the sale actually starts.

Note the date in your diary - the Boxing sale starts online on the 24th December 2012, at 7AM EST.

Some of the Dell boxing day deals from the flyer:

Please note that the above prices won't update on the Dell site until the sale actually starts - check back in then!

(Expires 28th December 2012)


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