Pizza Pizza offers the Club 11-11 Loyalty Card program to reward customers. Members earn 5% in Loyalty 'Dollars' on every purchase, which can be redeemed on future orders.
To apply a Pizza Pizza promo code, click the "add a coupon" link when you reach the "payment options" stage at checkout. Enter your code in the designated field to receive the discount.
Pizza Pizza promo codes cannot be combined with other offers, promotions, or discounts. This includes vouchers and special discount offers at Pizza Pizza locations across Canada.
Pizza Pizza charges a delivery fee for orders. However, if the delivery time exceeds their guarantee window, customers can receive their entire order at no cost.
Pizza Pizza does not accept expired coupons. Check the current Pizza Pizza coupon codes listed above for valid offers to use on your next order.
Sign up for Pizza Pizza's free 11-11 loyalty program to earn 5% back in loyalty dollars on each order. Redeem accumulated rewards after every fifth visit within 90 days, then start collecting again with your next five orders. Remember to link your registered loyalty card to your online account to earn rewards on digital purchases.
Visit Pizza Pizza's "Pizza Deals and Promotions" page to find current coupons and discounts. Regular visits to the website will help you catch new money-saving opportunities.
Order from Pizza Pizza through their mobile app on your smartphone. Enable push notifications to receive alerts about new deals and promotions!
Pizza Pizza offers free items and bonus products with select orders through special promotions. Check the Pizza Pizza specials page to view current deals and offers.
Sign up for Pizza Pizza's email newsletter to receive ongoing deals and discounts. Pizza Pizza sends special offers and promotional codes directly to subscribers' inboxes.