Upcoming Surprise...

Upcoming Surprise...

Hey Moosers!

Guess what? I've got a surprise up my sleeve which I will be announcing some time next week.

The surprise MAY or may NOT be one of the following:

Telepathic deal sharing - you think about the deal you want, and I communicate the details to you by the process of telepathy.

Edible coupons - printable coupons that you eat which transmogrify into a food substance in your belly. World hunger? Solved.

Freebie mountains - a million freebies will be shipped to your home every day. In fact, there are so many freebies that you will need to buy a mansion to store them.

Or maybe something totally different... check in next week to see!


Reply to
  • Natatoo
    Oooooooh! I am so INTRIGUED!! All of these possibilities are so exciting!!
    • Hopkins
      awesome, can't wait
      • lisa
        any of the above would be great! oh and as long as you provide the mansion too, lol!!