Keep the love alive with a romantic getaway

Keep the love alive with a romantic getaway

Right now I’m in Niagara-on-the-Lake with my fiancé and we’re having an amazing time.

We’ve planned a short getaway focussed around the staples of the area: eating local foods and wine tasting. We’re staying at the beautiful Prince of Wales Hotel and even sneaking in a massage.

It is so nice to walk down the main street holding hands, stopping in at one place for a beer tasting and another to sample ice wines. We ate gelato and bought a slice of fudge, window shopping along the way.

We have taken our time enjoying our food at restaurants. We have time to digest before we ask for the bill. Of the highlights so far, we had the most amazing meal at Kitchen76 at Two Sisters Winery. Kelly Ripa was there just the other week and it was exciting to have discovered such a fantastic gem of a restaurant before she puts it on the map.

What’s especially nice, besides the food, wine and company, is that we don’t have to watch the clock. We don’t have to rush home to relieve our baby sitter. Our kids aren’t wining at the table or complaining that we have to walk a block. We have nobody to worry about but ourselves. It feels like such a luxury; one that parents don’t often have or make time for. Daily life always seems to get in the way and time flies.

Lately, with the kids and the wedding planning, our lives have been all about the nitty gritty of life. We make appointments, go to appointments, talk about finances and budgets. It’s been more stressful than fun. And this is how it can become too easy to take each other for granted and forget why we’re together in the first place.

When it’s just us, we have fun together. We talk. We laugh. We remember what makes our relationship so sacred.

“Why don’t we do this more often,” we asked each other.

The truth is, we should. And we will.

What do you do to keep your love alive? Do you have any annual rituals or make time to be a couple?


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