Sony Style Store: $25 off $250 Printable Coupon

Sony Style Store: $25 off $250 Printable Coupon

Sony Style Canada Coupon Codes

The Sony Style Store sent out a non-exclusive printable coupon for $25 off a $250 purchase for in store use. It equals 10% off or so if you buy exactly the qualifying amount. Sony Style Store coupons are not common, so I like to post about them.

See restrictions on the coupon. Between by hubby and I, we have a few Sony products. I have a Sony DSLR a390 camera, and he has the Sony Bravia HDTV as well as the PS3. Each of those items alone is rather pricy, and accessories can add up for sure... like my recent purchase of a bag and extra battery for my camera. A coupon like this can be big help.

It can also be dangerous. I want a new lens for my camera. A nice one. :-D


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