Make Lego Gummies With These Molds - $20 @

Make Lego Gummies With These Molds - $20 @

The kids will love Lego candy! So why not make your own? To start you will need these Ohuhu Candy Silicone Molds - 3 Style Lego Building Blocks and Minifigureswhich are available for $19.99. These silicone molds are FDA approved and are non-stick, so you can make gummies, hard candy or even chocolate Lego blocks and minifigures. Awesome right!? I bet you could even get creative and make a healthy snack to stick in the kids' school lunches. Keep reading for a recipe on Lego gummies!

This set comes with a yellow mold, blue mold and green mold. The yellow mold makes 10 Lego or Duplo building bricks, the blue mold makes 8 Lego minifigures and the green mold makes 1 giant Lego man. Plus if you spend $25 (maybe order a set of these molds for a friend), you will get free shipping.

Now here is the best recipe I have used for making the Lego gummies. My son loves building with them and then eating them one by one. Kidzilla, muahahahaha.

Here's what you'll need:

  • Powdered Jell-O
  • Corn Syrup
  • Unflavoured Gelatin
  • Water

The Knox Unflavoured Gelatin comes with four packets inside, and you will need to use two of them for this recipe.

  1. Measure out 1/2 cup of cold water.
  2. Then squirt in a 1/4 cup of corn syrup and give it a stir to fully dissolve the corn syrup.
  3. Then add the liquid to a pot, but don't add heat just yet.
  4. Add both packets of unflavoured Knox gelatin and the entire package of Jell-O.
  5. Keep stirring it slowly until it is a consistent solution.
  6. Set your stove to medium-low heat for about 5 minutes. Be sure to keep stirring frequently so your liquid doesn't burn.
  7. When that is completely liquefied and not clumpy, you can pour the liquid into your silicone molds.

To make it easier, you can pour the liquid into a condiment container before squirting it into the molds. I find if you let it sit in the container for a few minutes, you will start to notice a bubbly film on top. You can remove that film before pouring the candy liquid into the silicone molds, and your candies will turn out looking nicer.

For added fun, cover your silicone mold with a Lego base to make your Lego candies stackable. You'll want to make sure you fill your mold a little over the edge, as the candies tend to shrink. Get creative and make multiple colours! I am excited for you.

Have you made Lego gummies before?

Thanks BoredPandafor this recipe, I use it all the time!


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