FREE Flashlight When You Buy Goldfish Crackers

FREE  Flashlight When You Buy Goldfish Crackers

Goldfish crackers are a separate food group for my kids. Now my kids can enjoy a FREE flashlight from the maker of their favorite goodies just in time for summer.

How can you get your FREE flashlight?

  1. Purchase any three Pepperidge Farms Goldfish products 156g-1.36kg from now until July 31st. The three products must be purchased in one transaction.
  2. Take a photo of your receipt. Make sure the photo shows the Goldfish products clearly marked.
  3. Complete the registration form here and upload a photo of your receipt.
  4. You will receive an email confirming that you qualify to receive a flashlight within seven days.
  5. Your flashlight will be shipped 6-8 weeks from the date you receive the confirmation email.

Get your kids munching on Goldfish now! There are 5,000 flashlights available.

The kids won't mind Goldfish cracker sandwiches for lunch tomorrow. Will they?


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