Chapters Canada: 30% Off Thomas The Train

Chapters Canada: 30% Off Thomas The Train


Today's Chapters one-day deal is on Thomas that loveable train, where you'll get 30% off. They also have Weird But True books on for only $5, was $8.95 each. Both make awesome gift ideas for the little ones.

Little ones love Thomas. I find it is a love or hate relationship. Some kids absolutely love Thomas and love trains and others (like my older boys) could care less and scream "nooooooo" when Thomas comes on. My youngest is in a different category and loves anything transportation, so this sale would be perfect for him. We have an Imaginarium table, but Thomas trains and tracks are compatible with our set.

This wood table is a great deal at 30% off. I price compared it to Sears, which has it for full price, Mastermind Toys actually has it on sale but Chapters still beats it by $5, and other stores, which don't see to have this table at all. Was $349.95, now $244.96.

The deluxe roundhouse is a great place for the trains to park and a great addition to any set. Was $155.95, now $109.16.

Just want to add a train to your set? Well Talking Thomas is pretty cool. Was $18.95, now $13.26.

Shipping is free when you spend over $25.

(Expiry: 14th November 2013)


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