2 Piece Textured Blanket Set $22.99 ​@ Wayfair

2 Piece Textured Blanket Set $22.99 ​@ Wayfair

Wayfair has a 2 piece blanket set on sale for $22.99. They're 66% off and it's absolutely gorgeous!

If you've never had the luxury of wrapping up in one of these blankets, let me tell you, there's nothing cozier. The textured knit and mulberry colour are a great way to add a pop of colour and warmth to your room.

The set includes a queen sized blanket and a smaller throw. I have the blanket folded at the bottom of my bed and the smaller throw on my chair in the corner. When it's super cold or damp, I take it down to the family room. Either way, the deep purple compliments the lavenders and grays in both rooms!

I can't wait to snuggle up with these and finally finish that book I've been meaning to get to, for ages!


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