Chapters Canada: 50% off Lab Work - Now $10

Chapters Canada: 50% off Lab Work - Now $10

I just had to blog about this because I LOVE IT!! Lab Work is this cool set of 3 test tubes on a stand. You use it for organizing small desk supplies! It comes with pushpins, paper clips and butterfly clips all kept within reach by a sleek metal frame. Save 50% and get this cute little office organizer at Chapters Canada for only $10!

I totally went bonkers over this the first time I saw it - but it was sold out then! It is so superbly awesome for any science geek - for goodness sake it uses test tubes!! That alone elevates this item to the plane of awesome. As a student I would earn a ton of geek-cred just for having this on my desk - serious serious geek cred. Being a female I need all the geek cred I can get because girl geeks are seriously underestimated in their geekiness.

Of course for a Halloween trick next year I can always combine yellow food colour and water in one, and red food colouring, water, and a little starch to thicken in one of the other ones. Woohoo! Always fun to freak people out.

Expiry: Unknown


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