Weight Watchers Online: 25% Off a 3-Month Plan

Weight Watchers Online: 25% Off a 3-Month Plan

weight watchers

Lose weight with Weight Watchers and get 25% off in the process with this special deal from us at Bargainmoose. Use the link below to get to our Bargainmoose-specific page, where you'll find 25% off, equaling a savings of over $26.

While I always have good intentions to get in shape in the spring before bathing suit season, I get so busy with planning my summer and then with summer itself to really pay attention to what I eat or to get to the gym. I do happen to lose a few pounds naturally over the summer with the fresh produce available and with being active like walking and riding my bike. Come fall, I could easily put those pounds back on with all the savoury winter meals I eat and with not wanting to venture into the cold.

A plan like Weight Watchers could really help me keep my mind on what I eat over the next few months before Christmas so my weight doesn't creep up over the cold months.

I know a number of people who have done Weight Watchers and say it is the best program they've done for weight loss. I think the reason is that you don't feel deprived and you are in control of what you eat. It is even much easier now with mobile apps and barcode scanners that can tell you exactly what you've eaten very easily. I also like that you can eat in restaurants (which is one of my downfalls), because they have a restaurant finder with a database of foods and cheat sheets so you know what kind of points you'll be adding to your day without having to make the food yourself.

Normally a 3-month plan plus the sign up fee would cost you $105.80, but with 25% off, you'll only spend $79.

A Weight Watchers plan could also make a good gift for someone you know who is struggling with their weight. Just make sure they are interested in losing weight before you assume they'd want a plan!

(expiry: unknown)


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