Gotravelcanada "Stay In May" Discounts

Gotravelcanada "Stay In May" Discounts


If you're booking a hotel through, they have a special deal happening right now. If you Stay any Friday, Saturday or Sunday night in May, you will save up to 20% off their best available rate.

So when you are doing your research as to where to stay, it might be worth getting a quote from Gotravelcanada and seeing if they have a competitive deal.

Alternatively, I found some printable coupons on their website, for extra discounts.

The printable coupons are valid for select hotels in Canada, namely certain Super 8s, Holiday Inns, Best Westerns, etc. You can see the full list on the printable coupons.

As far as I can see, you cannot use these coupons with any other offer. But it is worth working out which offer will get you the best deal.

(Ends 30th May 2010)


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