Science Diet Ideal Balance Pet Food Free w/ Mail In Rebate (up to $19.99)

Science Diet Ideal Balance Pet Food Free w/ Mail In Rebate (up to $19.99)

I have been noticing a  lot of mail in rebates lately for us to take advantage of and this one seems to top the cake!  Print off this form to get back up to $19.99 for any Science Diet Ideal Balance pet food by Hills Science Diet.

Here is how you can get yours:

  • Completed Rebate Form
  • Submit a valid “Proof of Purchase” UPC symbol from packaging
  • Submit the cash register receipt dated 09/01/2012 - 03/31/2013 with purchase price circled on the receipt
  • Must be postmarked by 4/30/2013

You are allowed to submit 1 mail in rebate per household.  You will receive a rebate check for the value of that purchase (value up to $19.99).  It is really rare to see such a high value mail in rebate amount so I am pretty excited about this one!

We have 2 large dogs and they are this Hills Science dog food specifically because it is a great food for a dog that needs to lose weight.  It helps dogs lose and maintain weight so they are healthier.  We have noticed a huge difference specifically in our female golden retriever since starting her on this food.  The issue is that it can get expensive to buy compared to some of the cheaper brands.  A mail in rebate with this high of a value is awesome for a family like us!


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