If you need a credit card, you might as well get free stays at a Best Western while you're at it! But how do you obtain this without using some sort of wizard voodoo magic? Why, MBNA and Bargainmoose, of course!
...or you could use wizard voodoo magic. Your call.
First thing I have to say is that if you can live without a credit card, please do. I got in a lot of trouble personally with a Credit Card and just recently got out of trouble with it. If you need one, keep the limit as low as is humanly possible. Remember, they need you, you do not need them. Make sure you read the contract before you sign up.
That warning aside, a lot of people need a credit card and this is a great one to get. I work for a competing hospitality company and I know with my points I bought myself a PS3. That's what a lot of people don't realize, I think. these hotel rewards aren't just for more hotel stays. You can get airline travel, gas, meals at restaurants and my favorite, gift cards. I have people who work with me who have helped buy decks, ride on lawnmowers and any number of other products using their points. Now the points we have aren't Best Western, of course, but it's the same idea.
I was going to write up all the benefits but MBNA's PR shills did a pretty good job all on their own so here we go:
- Earn Best Western Rewards points for your everyday expenses
- Receive 20,000 bonus Best Western Rewards points after your first qualifying purchase
- Earn 1.5 Best Western Rewards points for every $1 in net retail purchases
- Receive 50 Best Western Rewards points for every cash advance transaction over $50
- Receive a one tier elite status upgrade within the Best Western Rewards program when you spend $6,000 on your card within one year
- Earn even more Best Western Rewards points by staying at Best Western hotels or spending with our retail partner
(Expires: Unknown, probably not for a long, long time)